Blogpost: How to be prepared for Valentine's day
So, today is the 10th of Feburary. What does that mean? A few days away from Valentines Day! I'm here today to help you get prepped and ready for the big day. It's always important to sport the colors of Valentine's Day: Red, Pink, Purple and White. How can you snag an outfit in these colors? Plan to go shopping a couple of days before the big day. Go to your favorite store, and chances are, they made be a "Valentine's Day Sale" in progress. Make it your mission to get an outfit to match the Valentine's day spirit. (Even if that means pushing through angry shoppers and fighting a crazy customer to get it.)
Then, go to your fav shoes and acessories store. If not, Just shop online for great deals. (When shopping online for fab shoes, I recommend JustFab shoes. I love you, Kimora Lee Simmons!!) Then, lay out the clothes the night before (February 13th). Wash the clothes if they are dirty. Never wear dirty clothes. EVER. When the big day arrives, Wake up early to pull on your outfit. Good luck! If you're looking for inspritation, You've come to the right place. Lots of people get stuck. So, I'm just gonna give you a few pictures to help you out of your bind. Here you go:
Enjoy your Valentine's day!!!
-Your Fellow Fashionista,
(P.S.This post is part of an IFB Mini-Contest. Wish me luck!!)
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